LDL Cholesterol

= Cholesterol - HDL-cholesterol - Triglycerides/2 with triglycerides < 4 mmol/L

Age related reference intervals

Not fasting persons also included

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As the norwegian lipid group have suggested partitioning at 30 and 50 years, here are the reference intervals for reference persons <50 years partitioned at 30 years.

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Reference values and - limits (y-axis) against age (x-axis)

Reference limits (red) as proposed by NORIP (see here)

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Country reference limits with 90% confidence interval.

Partitioning is indicated in the grey rows as Y (yes: <0.9% or >4.1% of subpopulation outside common reference limit), M (moderate: % outside is either in the interval [0.9%,1.8%] or [3.2%, 4.1%]), N (no: % outide is in the interval [1.8%, 3.2%]) as evaluated accoding to Ari Lahti's recommandations (but so far not taken into account).

The conclusions (N, M or Y) for partitioning (grey rows) for "Sum", "F", "M" for each country is relative to respective columns in "All".

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Correlation with Body Mass Index (weight/height˛)

(selected data for calculation of reference intervals)


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