Gary Duggleby

Min E-mail, 23/10-98

Dear Gary Duggleby.

I am writing my uncle Bjorn H Naess' diaries from the WW2 on PC. He was a cpt in 76 sqn and was shot down on a raid to Berlin 17/18th jan. 1943. I have got informations from a norwegian researcher, Carl L. Larsen, who has investigated all norwegian losses in 76 sqn, that my uncle must have been shot down at 21.55 the 17. jan 1943 by oberleutnant Zorner some 45 km NW of Juist island. This information Larsen has got from a contact in England who has had contact with some German soarces. In the book "Royal Air Force Bomber Command Losses of the Second Wourld War", 1943 (volume 4) this "missing in action" is denoted as "Lost without trace". There were only 3 Halifaxes missing in this raid, and the faith of the other two is known.

In "Bomber Command War Diaries" it is mentioned that Richard Dimbleby was an observer from BBC on this raid. He flew with a 106 Squadron Lancaster piloted by Wing Commander Guy Gibson. Do you know if there are any written report from him from this raid? Are there any German researchers that may find any spesific details on what happend, reports for instace? I have contacted Greg Harrison who has promised to help getting the reports from my uncles 8 ops. in PRO and hope he will get some results.

Best regards

Paal Rustad

Svar på E-mail, 26/10-98

Hello Paal

Thank you for your enquirey regarding your uncle. It seems to me that you have already done a lot of research and as such can offer very little assistance I am afraid. I do not know of any German researchers that may help you. As for Richard Dimblebys flight with Guy Gibson. This took place the day before your uncle was killed and was broadcast on Monday the 18th of January. I have various small quotes from what he broadcast but no full transcript which I could let you have. This I am sure could be obtained from the BBC. If you would like me to approach the BBC on your behalf I will be pleased to do so. I met Carl Larsen last month at a reunion for 76 Squadron members at Holme on Spalding Moor airfield as well as a few others who served in the Squadron. I forgot to get Mr Larsens address, would you know it as I am writing a book at the moment on Holme on Spalding Moor airfield during the war years. Best of luck with your research, I know how hard it is. My web site is at It is not very good as it is my first attempt at doing anything like this but it will get better. Best regards

Gary Duggleby

Min svar-mail, 30/10-98

Hello Gary

Thank you very much for your kind answer to my E-mail. I understand that the information in "The Bomber Command War Diaries" is wrong concerning the date of Richard Dimblebys flight with Guy Gibson. You don't have to take the struggle to get the transcript from BBC. I have visited your web site and look forward to visit it again for more information later. Good luck with your new book, please contact me when it is finished. The address to Carl Larsen is: Nansetgt. 72, N-3269 Larvik, Norway. His telephone number is +4733187624.

Best regards

Paal Rustad

Min mail, 26/5-99

Dear Gary.

As an expert on 76. Sqdr. I have a question for you. I have now got an answer from Greg Harrison where he told me the records for this period (23/10-42 - 9/1-43) are not at PRO. But my uncle's colleague pilot Gunnar Halle (they started together in 76. Sqdr, but in different flights, Halle survived the war) have complete 541 form copies from all his ops. in 76 Sqdr., and, as I have understood, have got them from PRO.

Do you know if there are any records from this period from 76. Sqdr., and if so, where they are, and how to get copies???

Best regards

Paal Rustad

Svar på E-mail, 26/5-99


I'm going down to PRO shortly, I will do my best to find out where they are,

all the best
